Sunday, 14 August 2011

Assisi - great place for a wedding!

Didn’t get to Citta della Domenica yesterday afternoon cause Mike was busy finishing his plans for the villa – he’s designing a room in the roof now!  Probably wasn’t a good idea before the heat and hills of Assisi anyway!  He has promised we can go when he returns since I’m not able to get myself there this week although he probably wishes I could!

Health Warning!   Don’t read this blog if you don’t like lots of photos!  There are lots of them!  It's the sort of place where you just cant stop taking photos!  Will have to do another blog next time we go because I cant fit them al in!  I love Venice, Rome is just stupendous but Assisi is my very favourite place in Italy!
Lopsided view cause taken from car on one of the many hair-pins going up the hill

I just had to go to Assisi before I get marooned here next week – it’s been two weeks without a visit and that is very unusual as it’s normally one of the first places we go to!
Bride n Groom outside Santa Chiara
You can’t beat seeing a wedding to make a visit special!  I hope the wedding guests were being suitably entertained while this bride n groom were having their photo shoot!  We saw them in five different places over period of an hour and a half!

Photo shot

 Since the earthquake so much has been restored and sandblasted and generally polished to an ethereal pink heaven!  Even the little, winding backstreets are so clean and beautiful.  

The Rocca - quite a long walk but well worth the view at the  top!

We love walking away from the tourists into the hilly back streets and it’s a wonderful experience to climb up to the castle and marvel at the view. 

Basilca della San Francesco

My three most favourite Italian cathedrals are here – Basilica della San Francesco and Santa Chiara are in the upper city and Santa Maria degli Angeli sits at the bottom, just as you enter. 

Santa Maria degli Angeli

 I have an oil painting done on my first visit to Assisi at the grand old age of eighteen which is interesting because I painted the Basilica before the earthquake and the colours are so different from the present sandblasted version.  In our little house in Castel Rigone there is also a fresco of Santa Chiara.  Maybe next week I should paint the remaining one-Santa Maria degli Angeli-although I am running out of wall space!

Our favourite bar on the road into the centre - frequented by lots of locals so the food must be good!  We are going to eat there next week.  Lovely warm welcome from the proprietor yesterday who would't let us pay for the drinks. 
The risks you have to take to get a good photo!

I would advise an evening visit to Assisi the first time!  It is the hottest place on earth in the afternoon and one of the hilliest!  The sun just bounces back of the while and pink of the buildings and there is virtually no shade!

Street at dusk - this is the restaurant we often eat at but looks like it has changed hands.
Santa Chiara at dusk - this is the shot I used for the fresco in our house.  Assisi is just so beautiful  at this time of the day and the sunsets are amazing!  And do peep into the little shops and galleries - many of them have the most amazing vaulted ceilings.  
The main piazza - doesn't usually feature a Rolls!
The Rolls wasn't for me - but prefer my MR2 anyway!

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