Thursday, 18 August 2011

Fine friends, location, wine and food!

A quiet relaxing day which I needed after the exhaustion yesterday!  I went with my friend Daniella to Passignano for breakfast and then on to her house for a lovely lunch of home-grown salad, local wine and a great coffee.  Had great conversation comparing different cultures and think we came to the decision that the English and Germans actually understand each other and have much more in common than either of us do with the Italians - but we still love them and prefer to be here - in Italy!
 It's currently 44C in the car - 37C in the valley and a really chilly 35C here!  Not intending to do much - just read and maybe a bit of drawing.  (I did manage about an hour's school work this morning!) Then should be able to stay awake long enough to take in the concert tonight.

Haven't yet had  the opportunity to share our excitement over realising that the initial stage of building our villas is actually underway!  Not much to show - simply a gated cleared area and orange tape but it is a wonderful feeling after about 9 years of negotiations!


Our Builder

The stable - behind Mike

Me behind the undergrowth!  No need to guess who took the photo!

The field adjacent to land - I just LOVE fields of sunflowers!

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